Dear Venue Clients and Guests,
Our doors are currently open for events at a reduced capacity based on the current CDC guidelines. Our priority is to ensure the safety of our clients, their guests, and our employees. Please review the list of precautions below that our venue staff will adhere to based on the CDC recommendations. We require all our partners and vendors to follow the strictly enforced safety measures in place at Warehouse 7 Venue. The COVID 19 precautions and requirements are based on the information available to us currently and are subject to change at any time. We will continue to monitor and follow the New Jersey Government regulations and CDC guidelines. Our team has carefully updated our cleaning policies to ensure the safest client experience here at Warehouse 7 Venue.
Venue Safety Measures:
Venue guests capacity will be set in accordance with local government regulations.
Hand sanitizing stations available on site at the main entrance and throughout the venue.
Our onsite venue medical professional will conduct contactless temperature checks of all event guests.
Our venue staff, vendors, and guests will be respectfully asked to leave the venue if they are feeling unwell or exhibit a heightened temperature. Our event coordinator may assist the client with arrangements needed for transportation.
Venue cleaning staff will wipe down and disinfect high-risk areas such as door handles, bathroom sink hardware, and stahls every 20 minutes.
Clients must have the venue coordinator pre-approve event floor plan at least 1 week prior to their event to ensure proper distancing standards.
All staff and guests are required to wear masks at all times. All on site bartenders and catering staff must additionally wear gloves while servicing guests.
All food handlers and staff will be asked to wear gloves and wash hands more frequently while onsite serving guests and working with food and beverage items in the catering prep space.
3 ply masks must be worn by all staff and guests when not seated at tables or eating and/or drinking. Please see the venue coordinator if additional masks are needed to accommodate you onsite guests.
Deep cleaning of venue space before and after venue rental day.
70% disinfecting alcohol spray available to sanitize upholstered/cushioned seating and sofas used in venue space.
Guests are not permitted to sit at bars within the venue space. ​
We believe that implementing the precautions above will reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmissions, however, venue staff, contractors, vendors, clients, and guests all understand that there is a risk when entering any venue space for an indoor or outdoor event. If you have concerns regarding our COVID 19 policy please email or call our Event Director. Everyone’s sense of safety varies, and we plan to do our best to address any concerns clients may have in our venue space. We look forward to responsibly and confidently hosting your upcoming event at Warehouse 7 Venue.
Warehouse 7 Venue Team